LEM current and voltage transducers
Automotive battery management
- Standard battery monitoring
- Hybrid and EV battery pack current sensing
Check the supplier’s website for more detailed product features
EV chargers
- Leakage current sensor
- Current sensor for power module
- DC meter for EV chargers
Check the supplier’s website for more detailed product features
Automotive motor control
- Fuel cell current control
- DC/DC converters and AC/DC inverters
- Hybrid and EV motor inverter drive
- Electric compressors for air conditioning
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Smart Grid
- Distribution Automation – Fault Detection, Isolation & Restoration
- Grid Monitoring (e.g. Intelligent substations)
- Protection & Safety
- Distribution Transformer Monitoring
- Distribution Automation – Voltage Control
- Power Quality
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- Power supplies for welding
- Plasma cutting
- Electrolysis
- Inductive heating
Check the supplier’s website for more detailed product features
- Safety and personnel protection
- Process supervision and automation
- Condition monitoring
- Energy production and consumption
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- Lifts
- Escalators
- White goods
- Cranes
- Wheel Chairs
- Forklifts
- Electric door opening systems
- Pumps
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High precision
- Test & Measurement
- Medical equipment (scanners, MRI)
- Precision motor controllers
- Power Analysers
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Power supplies
- Uninterruptible and Switched Mode Power Supplies
- Telecom power supplies
- Lighting power supplies
- Battery chargers
Check the supplier’s website for more detailed product features
Renewable energies
- Solar
- Windmills
- Hydroelectric
- Fuel cells
- Geothermal power
- Tidal energy
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Trackside control and safety systems
- Points machines
- Crossing gates, signaling
Check the supplier’s website for more detailed product features
- Inverters, transformers, converters, rectifiers
- Auxiliary power units
- Circuit breaker, DC link
- Energy metering
Check the supplier’s website for more detailed product features